Thursday, January 05, 2006

King Kong

King Kong is one big monkey. And King Kong is one big movie.
My first admision is that unlike the majority of people who have reviewed this movie, I had very little interest in the original. Yes I understand that it was ahead of its time and was a classic, but when I saw it years ago my reaction was pretty luke warm. So when I heard that Peter Jackson's next project was King Kong I was not overly excited. Don't get me wrong, I love a good monkey movie, but I have been let down so many times. Of all the monkey movies out there only Tarzan the Legend of Greystoke struck a cord with my inner silverback. To name just a few crappy monkey movies: The Mighty Joe Young (I'm sorry, but that is a terrible name for a monkey); and lets not forget Congo ("Amy want green-drop drink! Tickle Amy!"). I also wasn't too keen to see more dinosaurs. Jurrasic Park kinda did that to the fullest. But my absolute love for Lord of the Rings and my amazement of Peter Jackson's talent convinced me that I should give Kong a try.

King Kong in summary, is a 100% adventure movie and can only be compared to movies like Indiana Jones etc. Sure King Kong is long, and yes it is over the top, but it is pure entertainment. Peter Jackson develops all the characters very well, even if it isn't required. The main highlight of the movie though, is the interaction between Kong and Anne. Only Anne understands why Kong is doing what he is doing and she feels a true sympathy for him - and so does the viewer. The final scene with Kong atop the empire state building is just fantastic.

In the end, Kong is a lengthy, over the top, special effect heavy, heart-felt, epic that only Peter Jackson could pull off. 9 out of 10. Why not 10 out of 10? The dinosaur stampede was a bit too rediculous for me.

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