Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Children of Men

The only movies I can remotely compare Children of Men to would be Blade Runner except without the cool flying cars and Black Hawk Down except without the cool crashing helicopters.

Mexican director, Alfonso Cuaron has created a very dark and dismal world where terrorism and fear are all that seems to be left in England (the only country left on earth that is remotely inhabitable). Graffiti on the wall in one scene says: “The future is a thing of the past”, which is an accurate example of how hopeless the world has become.

The action sequences were meticulous with similarities to the intensiveness of those normally created by Ridley Scott. The camera follows Theo closely as he runs through mud, gunfire, and explosions. Most of the film consists of very long shots, in which the action must be intricately choreographed. One of the most interesting sequences is when a jeep is attacked – the scene is shot entirely from the inside of the jeep, with all of the action shown from inside the car……insane.

There is a lot of symbolism here – many of whichcould be argued as biblical. But, I’ve never been very good at the whole symbolism thing...can somebody PLEASE tell me what the unicorn origami means in Bladerunner…???

Children of men is a solid science-fiction film, one that I believe will become a genre classic. And is likely one of the better movies I have seen in the past year……gotta love them Mexicans!

9 out of 10
Why not 10? Because I feel like giving it a 9!

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